A Learning Object Repository is a
general term for an online collection of learning process. A Learning Object
Repository is a kind of digital library. It enable educators to share, manage
and use educational resources. A learning object can be a quiz, a presentation,
an image, a vedio or any other kind of document or file we use to create course
content and learning material for online learning. Le-Mill , Connexion , CLOE ,
Encore ,MIT Open Courseware ,GEM,LOLA,MERLOT etc. Are the general Learning
Object Repositories .When the learning object is published to the learning
repository, we can tag those objects with metadata to classify and organize our
learning objects and make them easily searchable for others .We can also review
,rate and provide feedback on learning .DOOR(Digital Object Open Repository), DSPACE
,Fedora , Edu-tools etc are some of the repository softwares.
Searching for pre- produced case
studies, lab demonstrations.
Learning object should be able to
easily accesed.
Content compatibility.
Capacity for reuse.
Coding & retrieval
editing etc.
Putting together a particular topic
only .
Not useful for undeveloped countries.
Can change or edit etc.
- Mason, J. & Sutton, S. (2005). Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Education Working Group. Draft Proposal
- Monge, Sergio, Ramón Ovelar, and Ik Azpeitia (2008). Repository 2.0: Social Dynamics to Support Community Building in Learning Object Repositories, Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects
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