Wednesday, 13 December 2017


Interest inventories are tools which measure interest by listing activities or occupations to which the student responds by an expression of preference or aversion likes or dislikes (inventoried interests) . A large number of interest inventories are available- two dozen standardized inventories inventories are designed for- 

  • vocational guidance only;
  • Educational guidance only;
  • Both educational and vocational guidance.

Again , some of these are designed for use with -
  •  High school seniors , college students and adults
  • Junior high school children    


  1.          Strong compel interest inventory.
  2.          Minnesota vocational interest inventory
  3.           Kunder general interest survey
  4.          Vocational preference inventory
  5.            Ohio vocational interest survey 


  • They can assist the counselor in establishing report.
  • They can help the student by giving him something to consider or reflect upon ; by providing him with some ideas that he can develop more fully by reading and discussion.
  • They can help the teacher to organize meaningful learning experience.
  • They can help school personnel to obtain a more complete picture of the individual by providing valuable data about his likes and dislikes.


  • Lack of predictive validity.
  • Inadequate item sampling.
  • Lack of validity and test - retest reliability data.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017



                  The term conscientization is derived from the Portuguese word 'conscientizacae'. The term was coined by Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire in his work pedagogy of the oppressed. Conscientization means to give conscious awareness to people in which men,not as recipients,but as knowing subjects achieve a deepening awareness both of the socio-cultural reality that shapes their lives and of their capacity to transform that reality.
                   Conscientization was mean to apply to the process of developing consciousness,the consciousness that is understood to have the power of transform. conscientization is not mere learning of facts but learning to reflect and act on their reflection,i.e.,conscious reflection and positive action for the development and well being of the society. The objective of conscientization is to power of knowledge and resources of groups,by facilitating a learning process that would critical consciousness.
                  Conscientization is an ongoing process where by one becomes aware of factors and conditions that cause oppression. Freire explains the process in which people not as recipients,but knowing subjects,achieve a deepening awareness of the socio-cultural reality which shapes their lives and their capacity to transform that reality. It is the process of liberation of the oppressed from the oppressing situation.
                Empowerment of people is possible through education, conscientization and political mobilization. In conscientization we try to make people aware of the hardships they face in the poorer regions of the world. The process also aims to win the heart of the opressors with love, education and peaceful methods.


There are many areas where conscientization is needed so that the people who remain silent may be aware of the reality and their capacity to react to it.They are :

  •      Social
Careful consideration of the social life of the people of the age will reveal that an atmosphere of corruption, narrow minded parochialism and a spirit of communalism  are prevailed everywhere. Corruption is very much prevalent even among the educated people.communalism and casticism are the other social evils that have become common in our public life. The pity is that many people do not react to these undesirable tendencies. It is only through education that this attitude can be changed 
  •     Exploitation of children
Poverty, unemployment, drugs, bullying and racism are the ordeals that children as well as young people face today. When livelihoods fail they give up school and are neglected in health and nutritional terms, and take up paid and unpaid labour. One of the worst forms of child labour is child prostitution. The only way to stop this evil is to conscientize people who directly or indirectly become its prey. Poor, illiterate parents should be made aware of the dangers lurking around the society.                                                                                     
  •    Political

The individuals should be made aware of the political ideologies so that they can analyse or critically evaluate them and contribute to the political well being.They should also be made aware of their political rights especially their right to vote.They should be aware that they are not passive viewers in the politics but has significant role to play in the political set up of their community or nation.

  •    Family Planning
           Scientific progress has made man the master of universe but resulted in the loss of self                        control.This paved way to one of the disastrous problem of population explosion growth.                     many in this modern world adopt an indifferent attitude to 'Family Planning'.They should  be               made aware of the adverse effect it has on the economic and social conditional of a society.                 

·         AIDS

     This is yet another area which needs immediate attention. HIV assaults the protective fabric of society.The ignorance and lack of scientific knowledge regarding this disease lead to the spreading of this dreadful diseases. People should also be made aware of the various ways of spreading this disease.

  • Attitude towards women and dowry       

Indian women are the most exploited section since they are not aware of their rights and privileges. In the modern society there still exist among men, a tendency to exploit women. The only way to liberate them from this depressing and deplorable situation is, to conscientize them. It would enable the women to take independent decisions in marriage and other personal matters. They should also be enable to voice against any sort of exploitation or abuse and fight against such social evils. 
·     Health and Hygiene
      Health is defined as the state of complete physical , mental and social well-being. People should be made aware of the fact that health is wealth. People should be conscientized to maintain good health habits and also should be made aware of the proper nutrition. People should be made aware of the personal hygiene. Only personal and environment hygiene can reduce the risk of contagious disease.
·     Drug Abuse and Alcoholism
The whole world is in the grip of these social evils. The emotional instability and lack of proper guidance,family problems and lack of care and love are the causes of this evil. This evil cannot be controlled through forceful action. People should be made aware of the adverse effects it has on the self and the society.
·         Environmental issues 
The progress and modernization has promoted men to exploit the natural resources beyond the sustaining capacity of earth. The greed for comforts coupled with the population explosion has aggravated the depletion of natural resources. They should be conscientized , about the impact of the pollution on the ecosystem and the existence of life on earth. They should be made aware of the adverse effects of  pollution, the need for pollution control and means to control environmental pollution.


    The people can be conscientized by including these aspects in the curriculum and transacting it in interesting manner also through role-plays,street plays,debated,discussion,movies,field trips etc. The aim of the conscientization process is to build a dynamic force, never compromising with the status of the tradition thinking, attitude and habits. Education should arouse,sustain and perpetuate interest in change and growth of processes.

Seminar - Development Of Science Education In India


                          The development of modern science in India is an implant by the British. The outbreak of the world war 1st brought about a radical change in science education and in the pattern of scientific research and technological developments. After independence educational pattern of science got influenced to considerable extent by the incidents which took place in European nations. Introduction of modern science in our nation took place in slower pace. The government policies were also relying too great extent on the scientific developments. It was this ideology that led to the establishment of Science policy resolution, All India seminar on teaching of science, Indian parliamentary & scientific committee, N.C.E.R.T. etc.


Policy highlights:-

Ø  To foster, promote, and sustain by all appropriate means, the cultivation of science and scientific research in all aspects-pure, applied & educational.
Ø  To ensure an adequate supply of research scientist of the highest quality.
Ø  To encourage individual initiative for dissemination of knowledge & for the discovery of new knowledge.
Ø  And in general, to secure for the people of the country all the benefits that can acquire from the acquisition and application of scientific knowledge.
      The implementation of s .p .r. resulted in many scientific organizations such as Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO-1958), The Department of Space (DOS-1972), The Department of Electronics (DOE-1971), The Department of Science & Technology (DST-1971) & The Department of Environment (DOE-1980). N.S.P.R. envisaged the cultivation of science and scientific research in all its aspects.
                                                                         The government policies were also relying too great extent on scientific developments. It was this ideology that led to the establishment on Indian parliamentary & scientific committee in 1961.  


                                               It was under the chairmanship of LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI. The main objective of this committee was to study the problem of the science education in Indian school. Members of the committee were intended to find out the relationship existing in between the policies and decisions of central and state governments in the matters concerning with the science courses offered in the schools & other educational institutions. It studied the relationship between : growth of school population, shortage of qualified teachers, accelerated achievements in science, changes in the process and goals of science, views held by different thinker in regard to the structure of the school system and content necessary for education of youth.


                         It is an autonomous organization of the government of India. It is established on 1 september 1961. It's headquarters are located at Sri Aurbindo Marg in New Delhi. The design of the NCERT logo is taken from an Ashokan period relic of the 3rd century B.C. which was found in excavations near Maske in Raichur district, Karnataka. The motto has been taken from the Isha Upanishad and means 'life external through learning'. The interwined hansas symbolize the integration of the 3 aspects of the work of the N.C.E.R.T. :
                                   1) Research & development  
                                  2)    Training 
                                  3)   Extension .
   School science is the journal of the N.C.E.R.T.


Ø  To monitor the administration of National Institute of Education(NIE)
Ø  To organize pre-service and in-service education programmes for the teachers.
Ø  To prepare and publish study material for students & related teacher's handbooks.
Ø  To undertake aid, promote and co-ordinate research in all branches of education for improving school-education.
Ø  To search talented students for the award of scholarship in science, technology and social sciences.
Ø  To undertake functions assigned by the Ministry of Education (now HRD) for improving school-education.
Ø  To conduct special studies, surveys & investigations.